To date, it is known for sure that the population is about 40512632 people. This number changes every day because someone is born and someone moves to another state, someone gets married and someone leaves the country. And yet how many people live in California? For whatever reason, California is a place with 20,044,820 men and 2,0467,811 women as of 2023 statistics. The average age is considered to be 38 years. The most interesting is that there are 2413922 babies registered. Of these, there are 1.19 million girls, and 1.23 million boys, according to statistics. We are talking about children under the age of four. As for children aged 5 to 9, there are 2,405,623 of them, but there are 2.5 million adolescents. Centenarians also live, but there are relatively few of them just 13,748 people. Living in the “golden” state is happiness in itself, and if you choose one of the best cities to live in California, you can forget about moving forever, because here a person with money will find all the possible joys of life and a lot of opportunities for development.