Cost of Living in the Bay Area
The chart below shows the cost of livingcost of living in the Bay Area compared to some other popular cities in the country. Please note that there can be a difference depending on the neighborhood you are staying.
City | Monthly Rent (Apartment) | Utilities | Monthly Groceries* | Monthly Transportation* | Increase/decrease (Rent & utilities) |
San Francisco Bay Area | $3,629 | $154 | 116.6 | 151.00 | *** |
New York | $3,323 | $145.55 | 116.6 | 140.70 | +$547.40 |
Los Angeles | $2,524 | $110 | 104.1 | 165.30 | -$287.15 |
Seattle | $2,169 | $115 | 108.7 | 137.50 | -$637.15 |
Chicago | $1,963 | $191 | 97.2 | 138.50 | -$767.15 |
Boston | $3,432 | $147.15 | 111.4 | 131.80 | +$658.00 |
San Diego | $2,237 | $200 | 109.7 | 120.20 | -$484.15 |
*National Average is 100.
It is clear from this chart that the cost of living in the Bay Area is higher. Everything is more expensive, expect for the monthly transportation, which is cheaper than Los Angeles. However, a lot of people are still moving to the Bay Area because of the many job opportunities available here, the amenities on offer, many outdoor activities, the diverse food scene, beautiful parks, and natural beauty.